Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Seeking A Future With Hope

The events of the day did not find much affirmation for inclusiveness.  While there were no major steps back, there was little movement towards acceptance.  The positive movement of the day had to do with rejecting homophobia, though some of the language of debate was reported to be a bit rough.

I had high hopes of this conference moving toward productivity and in some cases, such as the election of Judicial Council members, it has.  Today, though, I'm sensing a great deal of frustration because the church has not moved forward.

The high spots, as I can see them, were in Fred Brewington's impassioned plea to support the majority report from CS2 on Human Sexuality, or the simplicity of Zachary Allen's presentation in his presentation of the minority report from Faith and Order regarding exclusionary language, that was basically the three simple rules.

The protest was peaceful, and  seemingly non-disruptive, as those participating stood and sang.  We will see what tomorrow brings.

Not everyday is victorious.  David reminded me that when you're vertical and breathing, maybe that's enough.  

This is the life of the United Methodist Church, sometimes embracing, sometimes standing still.

One more perspective:  most of what I heard tonight brought scripture with interpretation.  Many are able to proof-text.  What we may miss is the overall message that Christ brings for all, that there is acceptance.  When will we be able to have that conversation about acceptance as United Methodists?

Tomorrow is another opportunity.

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