Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Introduction to General Conference

General Conference is a unique body to the United Methodist Church. It is the only body that can speak for the church as a whole. It is a legislative body that makes changes in and published the United Methodist Discipline, the rules of order for the church, for the next Quadrennium (4 year period, in this case 2008-2012).
The conference will meet in Fort Worth, TX, April 23-May 2 of this year. As I have not experienced a General Conference, what I know is what I have read or seen on the media. I recommend this article to help understand the role of General Conference in the life of the church:{B7B150CB-BD8C-4A1C-A78B-976C06ABF738}&notoc=1

The United Methodist website,, has some great resources on General Conference as well.

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